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Market Maverick: A Conversation with Short-Seller Fahmi Quadir

Uncovering the role of short-sellers in shaping market accountability and fostering responsible investing.

Event Details:

Friday, February 2, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm PST

A discussion occurred on the role of short sellers and market accountability with renowned investor Fahmi Quadir, featured in the Netflix series Dirty Money. Quadir founded Safket Capital in 2017, a short-only hedge fund focused on concentrated short positions driven by in-depth investigation of fraud and corporate crimes. We discussed the role of markets in our lives and the role of short sellers in the market, the public market as exit for private investors, the difference (if any) between fraud and greed, how rising interest rates change the landscape, and, of course, Quadir's personal tenacity and resilience.


Fahmi Quadir is the founder and chief investment officer of Safkhet Capital, a concentrated, short-only fund focused on identifying "best ideas" through investigative research on companies potentially engaged in criminality, fraud, and predatory business practices. Quadir's methods and targeted approach are rooted in her academic training in mathematics and biology, and earned her the nickname "The Assassin."

Student leader moderator

Thomas Newcomb, MBA '24

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